The biggest shift in healthcare this decade will be non-invasive glucose monitoring. You can't fix your health if you can't truly measure how your body responds to inputs.
Some values I generally hold and try to live by:
Good things take time and you need to earn the right to win. If you want to win, you need an edge.
More concretely: if many people are working on the same problem as you, why would your solution be unique? Is it your background? Is it a new creative approach? From this lens, success can be predetermined to a pretty high degree.
Treat everything with unbelievable urgency and respect. Move fast, swing for the fences, and always index on tactics over strategy. I don't think I've ever seen a project where people are moving too fast.
It's often better to make a poor decision quickly than the best decision too late. You can always
correct course with more information, but you can't get back time. Similarly, if it's difficult to make a decision, find a way to gather more information to condition on.
Agency, earnestness, and integrity are all in short order.
Why is this? I think we have a culture of putting off dreams for later by preparing ourselves
through experience (analyze then act) rather
than one of
maximizing hits at bat (act then analyze). The issue with the former is that it is impossible to
have complete information on most important things.
Earnestness is an honest form of charisma, and it needs to be earned, not learned. You earn
confidence through setting goals and
Society as a whole has a deep, deep problem with a lack of integrity. Being honest with one's
flaws is the only way to recognize and grow past weaknesses.
Spending time with students at other schools and those older/younger than you (± 3 years) really
opens your eyes. Easy way to escape local homogeneity.
Similarly, exploring content from a decade ago can offer valuable insights. It's more crucial to grasp the overall trends and directions than to be precise in both trend and scale.
Most advice is just a series of Forer
statements. Sounds useful, pretty useless in reality.
I'm not entirely convinced about the Five
Chimps Theory. More generally, it makes more sense that
you are a linear
combination of the five people you spend time with. You probably have more control of the
coefficients than you
We should dramatically scale up genius grants.
Emotional/physical welbeing and first appearances matter. Maintain an enjoyable workout schedule, sleep, attempt to dress well, and
generally eat healthy.
You should be doing everything to maximize your energy throughout the day. Avoid carbs + supplement
with caffeine, vitamin D, more than enough sleep, and some form of exercise. The general maxim that applies here: "life is a marathon, not a sprint."
The only way to develop information asymmetry is to either be early (through some kind of in-group)
or be willing to dig through books/essays/podcasts/classes/etc. that others are ignoring.
Sillyness and eccentricity is severely underrated. The world needs more whimsy.